5 Signs Your Podcast Might Need a Shake-Up

Podcasting is incredibly resource intensive, and we don’t want you to burn out by spending energy and other resources where they won’t have maximum impact.

If you’re feeling a bit stagnant in your podcast production and marketing, listen up!

Here are five signs that you should revisit your podcast goals and set refreshed intentions for your show:

1. You can’t state your show’s mission and vision.

Many successful podcasts operate like a business. They have a specific mission and vision that serve as filters for decision-making for the future of the show.

When your intentions are cloudy, your podcast content isn’t as impactful as it could be.

2. You can’t confidently describe who’s listening.

Who IS your audience, anyway?! Why do they listen? What do they do in their free time? Do they have kids? Pets? Where do they live? What do they believe about the topic of your show?

When you’re not clear about your listenership, you can’t serve your community in the best way possible.

3. You’re burning out on the content creation hamster wheel.

How are you promoting your podcast, and-- this is key-- what do your metrics show? Should you even be on YouTube? Are your blog posts effective? Are you ignoring your email list? Does your Instagram bio entice folks to listen?

You need to consider both your goals and the data you have when creating a sustainable and fun content strategy.

4. You’re not even sure what your podcast is giving back to you.

If you run a business or host a platform, your podcast should be DOING something for it and you. People often think of ads, affiliate links, and brand partners as a way to make money off a podcast.

But a method many forget about? Lead generation. At minimum, your show can support you and your work by growing an enthusiastic audience.

5. You struggle with self-accountability or consistency.

90% of podcasts don't publish more than 3 episodes. They often stop because of burnout. It takes a TON of time, effort, and money to start and maintain a podcast.

Many podcasters blame themselves for feeling like they can’t stay “caught up,” when in reality, their systems, processes, and goals just aren’t set up in the best way possible.

Ready to tackle these and shake up your own show?

Once a month, we host a focused Power Hour session for podcasters like you.

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